未来RSI FX MetaTrader4用テクニカルインジケータ
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ご好評をいただいている「未来」シリーズ第4弾、 「未来予想線」 のロジックを応用し、今度はRSIを未来方向へ伸ばしました。
新設法人や新規開業などの営業に役立つデータを販売しています ● TOPfunction addBookmark(title,url) { if (window.sidebar) { window.sidebar.addPanel(title, url,""); } else if( document.all ) { window.external.AddFavorite( url, title); } else if( window.opera && window.print ) { return true; }}var ua = navigator.userAgent;var strBrowser;var nVersion;if ((nHit = ua.indexOf("MSIE")) >= 0) {document.write(" ● お気に入りに登録");}新設法人 | 新規開業 | 新規電話 | 新規求人 | 楽天ヤフー出店 | Yahoo!カテゴリー | 法人企業URL | その他 よくある質問 | ご購入の流れ | 特定商取引法 | お問い合わせ福井県新設法人データ2010年5月【14件】:名簿データ 商品番号10018ITEM番号47639データ福井県新設法人データ2010年5月【14件】説明新規顧客開拓営業に役立つデータです。
CSD Launches Contact Center to Qualify Deaf/Hard of Hearing for Sustainable Broadband Program
Deaf/hard of hearing consumers can qualify for a Dell 11Z notebook and 12 months high-speed Internet access — all for only $230. SIOUX FALLS, SD (Dec. 6, 2010) — Today, CSD has opened a new contact center and is starting to qualify deaf and hard of hearing consumers from around the nation for Project Endeavor. What is Project Endeavor? Back in July, CSD announced it had been awarded a $14.9 million grant from the National Telecommunications and Information Agency as part of the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act. This grant enabled CSD to implement a nationwide initiative to provide discounted equipment (a Dell 11z notebook), high-speed Internet access, and life-skills training, for low-income, underserved deaf and hard of hearing people. CSD has named this two-year campaign Project Endeavor. Project Endeavor is qualifying deaf and hard of hearing people starting today. The program offers a video-configured Dell 11z notebook, which comes with a mobile broadband card, for $230. The retail price of the notebook is $500, meaning consumers save over 50 percent to start with. For the cost of only $230, consumers receive the new notebook computer along with a 12-month 3G/4G wireless Internet access plan — at no additional cost. The 12-month coverage is a $700 savings to the consumer, if not more, depending on where they live in the United States. The notebook is theirs to keep even after the two-year project reaches completion. CSD pursued these funds because as the <b>...</b>