FXで未来を明るく!FXリスクヘッジ・トレードサインシステム システムの解説●ドル/円週足 (一本のローソク足が一週間の相場の高低を表す )チャート昨年2008年9月からの本格的な世界不況の表面化による円高ドル安を捉えて赤の売りサインが表示されています。
長期でのトレードをしている投資家はこの時にサイン通りに売り(ショートポジッション)を仕掛けていれば11/13/18:00の時点で 約 + 1300pipsの含み益があることになります。
FX初心者 のためのFX必勝法!FX完全極秘投資術
FX初心者 でも安心して勝てる投資を実現!FX 完全極秘投資術 「 FX をはじめようかな・・・?」 なんて言うと、だいたいの人が 「やめたほうがいいよ」 と言います。
「やめろ」 という人はまず、FXで稼いだ経験がありません。
ところが、 FX投資 でカンタンに稼げる方法は、しっかりと存在しています。
そして、それを知っているのは、実際に FX投資 で稼いだことのある人だけです。
Dub FX - Love Me Or Not
Dub FX official YouTube channel: www.youtube.com Dub FX (real name Benjamin Stanford) is a worldwide street performer and studio recording artist from St Kilda, Melbourne, Australia. His trademark is the use of loop and effect pedals combined with his voice. He creates intricate hip hop and reggae rhythms. Some of his music is also referred to as dubstep. He has a partner referred to as Flower Fairy, whom he travels with and performs along side of him. "Love me or not" lyrics: "You could love me or not But either way I've got to Wake up to face another day tomorrow morning You could love me or not But either way I've got the sunrise looking in my eyes And i know i could love you or not But either way you've got to Wake up to face another day tomorrow morning I'm not getting used to my new solitude I've still got a photo in my wallet of you I've got to stop my self From picking up the phone and just calling you I've got to keep my emotions together and forever So don't be afraid I can't erase memories with the actions i seize And I can not erase your smiles and your eyes With your hair in the breeze And the only way for me to move on Is to write it in a song that life goes on And I'm kicked off this earth With no one to hold its getting cold and my chest hurts You could love me or not What will the world bring? You've got to be strong Your story goes on and on Even though our page is gone Cos theirs a world out there And even though it aint fair You've got to not be scared <b>...</b>